A partner of a leading firm comes back to his office and says to his manager, "Did you get my message where I said, 'Ship the Enron documents to the Feds?' The manager goes white. "Oh My God! I thought you said rip the Enron documents to shreds!"
That's what happens when there is an error in communication. How can you make sure it never happens?
Communication is without doubt the most important skill required to live successfully. The world around you is competitive to say the least. Whether at home or at the workplace, at a mall, or with friends, if you can communicate well, you have got most things going your way. People do not just listen to a good communicator; they are ready to bend or unbend to the person's needs.
Not everybody is privileged to gain communication skills from the word go. However, all one needs is a goal to become a successful communicator and find the right source to pick up the skills, half the job is done....Read more
Getting Motivated
"Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today." - Abraham Lincoln
This must be a quote you have heard a hundred times before. There is of course a kind of simplicity in the way these nine words convey a simple message "don't" put things off for later.
Are you one of those people who always put off things for later? Have there been times when you felt you lack the confidence and skill required to do a certain task? Well, you are not alone. This is a problem that almost everyone goes through at least sometime in their life.
"Get Motivated" is a 6 part e-course designed to motivate you in areas where you feel you fall short, and instill in you the confidence and self-belief to prevent you from putting off things for later...Read more
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How To Manage Your Lost Career
The key to have a sustainable career is to find one that you really love and enjoy. However, it is not at all easy to find a job that gives you immense satisfaction, just working on it.
So many people these days change their field of work several times in the search for a better and fulfilling career.
Mostly all of us have faced the ups and downs in our working life. That's not something to worry about. That's life. The high and lows are inevitable.
However, how many times have you faced the downs because you are not comfortable with the area of work you have chosen, and the resultant uncertainties?...Read more
Unstoppable Confidence
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.", said Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company.
No wonder this confident man put the wheels of modern automobiles in motion and also acted as a powerful catalyst in the 20th century economy and society.
In today's world that so strongly emphasizes the importance of self-confidence, the modern man has no choice but to spruce up his confidence levels or he'll be left far behind in the rat race and never be able to rise above it.
"Unstoppable Confidence"? is a 6-part course that will help you improve on and raise those confidence levels just the way you want...Read more
Get Five E Courses Together
Getting Motivated
Effective Communication Skills
How To Manage Your Lost Career
How To Get What You Want In Life
Unstoppable Confidence
(PLUS.... Add Life Evaluator Assessment)
How to Get What You Want
When asked how he got all he wanted, Texas multi-millionaire H. L. Hunt said, "You have to make up your mind, what you want. You have to make up your mind, what you are prepared to give up getting it. You have to set your priorities, and then go about your job".
Coming from someone who started with running cotton plantations and ended up making a fortune in oil business, these words are something to be seriously taken note off.
"How to Get What you Want" is a 6 part e-course that is designed to provide you with the direction, purpose and drive that you are looking for.
Each of the 6 modules in "How to Get What You Want" includes a number of exercises and assignments that will walk you through the process of first working out what you want from your life and then, how you are going to get it...Read More
Get: "The New You"
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In a world, where change is the only constant, I say, it's not survival of fittest but its survival of the reinvented!
Life is too short to succumb to mediocrity. Don't get stuck with circumstances that you don't want to be in.
Over the next 6 modules in this series I am going to help you figure out what is it that you truly want from life. It's right there in your subconscious mind but you need to get it out, and make it a reality. That's what this e-course aims to achieve.
In one of six of these sessions, in this e-course, we, together are going to analyze how you perceive success. This information will act like a pointer to tell you your position in life now in relation to where you want to be.
This interesting ecourse can really open new doors for you!...Read more
1. Free Special Report, 2. 20 Newsletters, 3. Life Evaluator, 4. Thinking Of Becoming A Life Coach?, 5. The New You
Get Any Five Of The E Books & E Courses On The "Top Row" Together In A Bundle Combo For $69
(We Are Adding The "Life Evaluator Assessment" Just For Buying) That's Six E-Books!!!